provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unscripted
A Weary warrior…After eight years as a
Marine sniper, war-scarred Reid Everett is back in his native Wyoming. He knows
and loves this rugged land, so working for wildlife services to reduce the
booming wolf population suits him to a T.
A Caring crusader…Wildlife biologist Haley Cooper is desperate to make a
difference. Leaving the world of academia behind, she accepts a position as a
wolf advocate to protect the animals she loves.
Raw attraction…Their jobs set them on a collision course, but chemistry sparks
like wildfire between Reid and Haley. They’ll have to brave some rough
territory if they hope to reconcile their polarizing views with a passion that
won’t be denied.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~* ~
Two people
with completely differing ideas about life and the value of life come together
in a clash of passion. Haley Cooper has no use for men with guns, especially Marines. When he kills animals for food and to protect livestock, well, this just
gives him even more strikes against him. Now, if only she can get him out of
her head.
Everett is a man of honor, a man of principle, and a man of the frontier. He’s
lived his life with a gun in his hand, and went on to use that skill as a Marine sniper who has seen his fair share, and more, of death but values
what’s necessary to keep the balance. Meeting Haley Cooper has him rethinking things even as he butts heads with her. His desire for her drives him to reconsider
many things, including his tactics to win her heart.
Vane certainly knows how to write some sexy cowboys and some stand by her principles
women. SHARP SHOOTIN’ COWBOY is the third book in the Hot Cowboy Nights series
and as with the first two books, we meet men with some old-fashioned ideas
about what kind of women fit into their world, and then we meet the women who
change their minds.
Haley is
such a woman. She carries a passion for protecting the wildlife of this planet
and cannot wrap her mind around how a man, who puts his life on the line to
protect the freedoms of our country and others, can hunt animals, particularly
wolves, in good conscience. Of course, her self-proclaimed prejudice against
Marines doesn’t do much to gain him favor in her eyes, but Reid isn’t one to
give up easily either. Compromise and understanding become the name of the game
in this passionate, banter-filled relationship that constantly teeters on the
edge of falling apart. A deep attraction and sexually charged desire keep them
coming back together until love finally conquers their bullheadedness. I’m not
going to give anything away but when you read the epilogue, you’ll discover
yourself grinning from ear to ear.
It’s truly
difficult for me to choose a favorite in this series and I suspect with each
addition, it’s going to become even harder. The strength of Victoria's imagination and writing speaks for itself...and her cowboys rock the pages.
I highly
recommend reading SHARP SHOOTIN’ COWBOY by Victoria Vane. It’s a sweet,
compassionate contemporary romance starring a sexy, sharp shooter cowboy turned
Marine, who reveals just how honorable a man he truly is, and in a way, which
will surely surprise you. Each novel in this series easily stands alone but
this one does it the best. If you haven’t tested out the cowboy love of the Hot
Cowboy Nights series yet, do it with SHARP SHOOTIN’ COWBOY. I think you’ll have
a very good time.
Reading Everyone!
SHOOTIN’ COWBOY, a Hot Cowboy Nights novel by Victoria Vane, Sourcebooks
Casablanca, release date – June 2, 2015, available in print and ebook formats
at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobobooks.
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