Tuesday, July 2, 2024

#NewRelease - Elysian Shifter Taming A Diva by Amy Valentini - bk 10 in the Elysian Realm paranormal series

Available at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Jasmine Standish is headstrong and used to getting her way, but when she meets Rafael Poderoso, a shifter warrior who refuses to bow down to her status, she realizes her fate might be out of her control. 

In the luxurious Mayak fortress, Jasmine Standish lives a privileged life as the daughter of the High Counsel and is used to being catered to by everyone. But then a shifter comes along who dares to call her princess. Despite their initial animosity, Jasmine and Rafael cannot deny the intense attraction between them even though they both resist it. When they’re caught in a perilous situation, Rafael discovers a truth that will bind them together forever. Now, with his heart on the line, he feels caught between a supernatural truth and an earthly reality. When danger continues to follow them, and Jasmine’s stubborn denial remains a barrier, he knows he must conquer her pride to win her heart or risk losing her forever. 

Get ready for a heart-pounding battle for eternal love in Elysian Shifter Taming A Diva. If you were captivated by other books in the Elysian Realm paranormal romance series, where the gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us, you won’t be able to resist the fiery romance between Jasmine and Rafael as they discover that true love cannot be denied. Buy it today to experience a romance unlike any other!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

#NewRelease! Elysian Blood Desire and Innocence, bk 9 in the Elysian Realm paranormal romance series by Amy Valentini

From the moment Mia Balderson meets the brooding warrior Tannis Thorson, her world is turned upside down. 

As a young and inexperienced warrior, Mia struggles to live up to her family's great legacy. Tannis battles his grief, having lived in sorrow and isolation for far too long. When undeniable sparks of desire happen between the two, his internal battle ramps up making him want to retreat again. But when Mia falls prey to the enemy, Tannis must choose between avenging his true mate's death and saving Mia because she has unexpectedly crept into his broken heart. As their connection deepens, Mia discovers her inner strength and true potential but can Tannis love her enough to let go of the past and embrace a future with her as his true mate? Or will his undying love for his lost mate cost him everything? 

Get ready for an action-packed adventure where love and destiny are tested in the ninth book of the Elysian Realm paranormal romance series, Elysian Blood Desire and Innocence. If you enjoyed other books in this exciting series, you’ll love this new adventure set in the midst of another fight for the Realm and human existence where the gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us. Join Mia and Tannis as they navigate through life-threatening danger and undeniable love. Be warned, this heart-pounding battle for love and survival will keep you on the edge of your seat to the very end. Buy it today and experience a paranormal romance unlike any other!    

Available at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited as well as in paperback.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Review of the upcoming psychological thriller, THE WIDOW BRIDE by Carey Baldwin

Coming Soon! March 11, 2024

As I look down to the beautiful arch set up on the beach for our wedding, I have to stop myself running into Blake’s arms. It’s so soon after my first husband passed away—but Blake and I are meant to be... aren’t we? There are no family or friends beaming at me this time, but everything is perfect… isn’t it?

Since I lost my first husband, Blake has been there for me, showering me with gifts and affection, holding my hand as I go back into the world. He’s the only one who truly understands what I’ve been through. How hard it’s been on me. So, when Blake insisted we keep our elopement a secret, I agreed. But, now, it feels wrong to walk down the aisle between empty chairs.

As I step in front of the officiant with my husband-to-be, I think back to my last conversation with my first husband’s sister. Should I have listened when she tried to warn me about Blake’s past?

Maybe it’s just wedding day nerves… But when I meet Blake’s brown eyes, there’s something dark in them I’ve never seen before. He grips my wrist to put the ring on my finger, and a shiver runs down my spine when he says, “Finally, you’re mine.”

I remember my sister-in-law’s warning and I tremble. But it’s too late to turn back now.

Marrying him is the only option because I have secrets of my own.

Blake may think he knows me, but he has no idea who he’s really dealing with…

A completely gripping psychological thriller which will have you reading late into the night until you reach the final shocking twist. Perfect for fans of Gone Girl, The Wife Between Us and The Perfect Marriage.


Love. Betrayal. Forgiveness. 

Love comes in all forms—family, spouses, and friends.

Betrayal can destroy love in an instant.

As for forgiveness, it can be difficult and doesn’t always come, but sometimes forgiving yourself is all that’s needed. 

The Widow Bride by Carey Baldwin is a psychological thriller about all three. A new exciting and addicting read from the amazing author of psychological thrillers, Carey Baldwin will keep you on the edge of your seat. It will keep you guessing and rethinking your guesses until the very end, and then the end will flip you upside down. I can’t tell you any more than that without giving away spoilers, so I’m not. I’m just going to tell you that if you love a good tale of mystery and suspense, and enjoy the need to know what happens next and who the bad guy is and who isn’t, read The Widow Bride. You won’t regret it! 

I highly recommend The Widow Bride, a new psychological thriller by Carey Baldwin, if you’re a fan of edge-of-the-seat thrillers that keep you reading late into the night—just make sure you leave some time for sleep or you’ll end up doing a long day on only two hours of sleep like I did. Pre-Order your copy now! Releasing on March 11, 2024, and available in digital, audiobook, and print at Amazon, and print at Barnes and Noble.

Happy Reading Everyone!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

New Release! Elysian Shifter Tall, Dark and Deadly, bk 8 in the Elysian Realm series by Amy Valentini


Available now at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Hasen Balderson and Julieta Moreno live very different lives but when fate brings them together, their lives will never be the same. Hasen is a wolf shifter, plagued by a painful past and a rebellious streak. Julieta is a detective with a dark secret and an inability to trust. When they team up to unravel a mystery, she discovers a hidden world she never knew existed. Dangerous shifters lurking in the shadows put them both in danger even as they struggle to control the powerful desire they feel for each other. But when her secret is revealed, she discovers where she truly belongs. Will they be able to protect the Realm from a new enemy and find their happily ever after, or will they be torn apart forever?

Elysian Shifter Tall, Dark and Deadly is the eighth book in the thrilling Elysian Realm paranormal romance series. If you enjoyed the electrifying chemistry between the characters in the previous books of the series, you’ll be captivated by the fated connection between Hasen and Julieta. Buy it today and continue the next generation of Elysians’ journey as they search for eternal love in a world where the gods of mythology are real!

If you haven't indulged in this exciting paranormal romance series yet, you can get started by reading the first four books in an exclusive box set available on Amazon and at Kindle Unlimited and then continue the exciting adventure in the following books with more to come. Happy Reading! 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

New Release! Faded Forget-Me-Nots, a forever love suspense romance standalone by Amy Valentini


She was young and jaded. She didn’t know if she could trust him. Was her heart in danger as well as her life?

In a time long ago and a place far away, Claire Daniels fell in love, experienced real passion, had her heart broken, and nearly died. It’s a never forgotten memory from the past that changed her life. Now she fears she may be the only one who remembers it.

The wonderful man she married no longer knows her and without him, her future looks dreadfully forlorn. For the first time in almost sixty years, she will have to live apart from her loving husband. While preparing for that day, she finds a journal from the past that she thought lost long ago.

While reading her words on the pages, they take her back to an incredible summer weekend that left her life changed forever. A time when she discovered she could fall in love and be destroyed by it just as fast.

Now she worries that just as that girl has faded into the old woman she sees in the mirror, her treasured memory might fade away just like the crumbling forget-me-nots tucked inside the pages preserving it. Do memories survive even when seemingly lost forever?

Fans of lifetime love will love Faded Forget-Me-Nots. A story of love forged in the past but threatens to fade away under the ravages of time. Buy this standalone romantic suspense today and grab a box of tissues just in case.

Monday, November 14, 2022

New Release! Elysian Shifter Bad Blood, book 7 in the Elysian Realm #PNR series by Amy Valentini

Available Now at Amazon and #free to read at #KindleUnlimited

Different from everyone around her, Astrid wants to find where she belongs in the Realm…

Having lived a life as a lone wolf, Luis concentrates on his purpose in the community instead of life… 

When Luis meets a beautiful and unusual woman, who dislikes him from the moment of their first encounter, his desire for her and her approval consumes him.

Sent on a mission together, Astrid and Luis continue trying to deny their attraction and what it could mean. Now, they are confronted with a hatred for shifters that puts them and their team in great danger. When Luis is taken captive, Astrid fears she will lose him before she can be sure he is her true mate. 

Will she be able to save him before he succumbs to a fate worse than death? 

You will love this next generation paranormal romance because everyone wants to believe love really is eternal. Get the newest book in the riveting Elysian Realm series now and discover that the gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us.

If you haven't read this amazing paranormal romance series yet, the first four books are still available in the boxset, The Elysian Realm Series at Amazon. Indulge now and experience the world where the gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us.

Happy Reading Everyone!

Monday, September 12, 2022

#NewRelease! Elysian Retribution, book six in the Elysian Realm PNR series by Amy Valentini is now live in digital and print.


Available at Amazon and #Free to read at #KindleUnlimited

The gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us. 

Forever alone. Salana has encountered it all—good and bad, but one thing has always eluded him. Passion. When his cat catches the scent of a beautiful red-haired Asgardian woman with topaz eyes, more than a purr tells him his time has come.

He fascinates her. Alina long ago reconciled to being alone only when a mesmerizing and alluring shifter enters her life, passion and desire fill her thoughts but fear over what others might think holds her back. The distraction of desire becomes her enemy while working to counter the evil undermining the Realm and putting everyone at risk. 

After discovering a dark world of human enslavement and facing some of the most powerful Elysians, Alina and Salana lead the way to what may be the Realm’s greatest battle. When confronted with adversaries that only know how to dole out cruelty and pain, Salana discovers he owes one for his blindness. He and his cat desire revenge. But when Alina falls prey to the evildoers, and the fate of captive Elysians hangs in the balance, he and his cat must surrender to necessity rather than vengeance, but will he lose the love he waited so long for as a result?

If you want to catch up on the first four books, the Elysian Realm box set is available through September 25th at Amazon #free to read at #KindleUnlimited as is Elysian Reunited and now Elysian Retribution. More is coming in this exciting PNR series so get addicted now. Happy Reading!

If you have any of the books in this exciting series or plan to, I hope you will leave a review as it assists the author and helps other readers find this amazing series. Thank you and Happy Reading!

Friday, September 2, 2022

#Cover Reveal for Book Six in the Elysian Realm PNR series - Elysian Retribution by Amy Valentini

 Coming September 12, 2022

Book Six in the Elysian Realm Paranormal Romance Series

The Battle to Save the Realm is About to Begin!

The gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us.

Forever alone. Salana has encountered it all—good and bad, but one thing has always eluded him. Passion. When his cat catches the scent of a beautiful red-haired Asgardian woman with topaz eyes, more than a purr tells him his time has come.

He fascinates her. Alina long ago reconciled to being alone only when a mesmerizing and alluring shifter enters her life, passion and desire fill her thoughts but fear over what others might think holds her back. The distraction of desire becomes her enemy while working to counter the evil undermining the Realm and putting everyone at risk.

After discovering a dark world of human enslavement and facing some of the most powerful Elysians, Alina and Salana lead the way to what may be the Realm’s greatest battle. When confronted with adversaries that only know how to dole out cruelty and pain, Salana discovers he owes one for his blindness. He and his cat desire revenge. But when Alina falls prey to the evildoers, and the fate of captive Elysians hangs in the balance, he and his cat must surrender to necessity rather than vengeance, but will he lose the love he waited so long for as a result?

Get ready for the Elysians to halt the evil that threatens to overthrow the relationship between Elysians, Elysian Shifters, and humans.

If you haven't read this exciting series, you still have a chance to catch up by reading the first four books in The Elysian Realm box set which is available at Amazon for one low price and #free to read at #KindleUnlimited but time is running out because it's coming down on September 25, 2022.

The gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us.

Elysians came to Earth in search of a new home. The human inhabitants welcomed them as gods. Their relationship grew and sustained both species until it became dangerous for Elysians to be open with their non-human abilities. They continued to work together, care for each other, and seek out their eternal true mates within both species.

But now there are those who threaten their co-existence. Evolution in any species continues until extinction claims its end. Some will embrace the changes, while others will resist. When those who resist act to prevent or control the changes, they become dangerous to all species.

Welcome to the Elysian Realm, where the descendants of alien visitors live among humans as friends and protectors. When those with corrupt and evil intent attempt to change the world for Elysians and enslave humans, will those who wish to maintain the balance be able to save the world for the sake of all?

Delve into the Elysian Realm with the first four books in the series in a limited collection. The fifth book in the series, Elysian Reunited, is available now but this collection will disappear soon so indulge in the Realm now before the battle to save both humans and Elysians begins in Elysian Retribution – coming soon.

And Elysian Retribution isn't the end of the exciting adventures in this series. There is more to come so catch up and stay tuned. Happy Reading.